July 24, 2008


So, I gave Regan a pencil and some paper to draw with in her room today while I got some things around the house done. I'm only sure you know what she really ended up drawing on. It was quit the art project, I must say, she is very artistic. Regan Also said, "Love You" today. It was so cute! We have been trying to get her to say that for a long time and I must say, it was worth the wait. Today, I also had Caleb pick me up a couple more handbags from Coach to sell on EBAY. They put a limit on my account so I'm not happy about that. I wrote them an email to retaliate. Coach is widely counterfitted, so they limit certain listing if they sound fishy. It's probably all those stupid pig key chains I listed once. Caleb had a perfect night last night with his training officer, he couldn't find one bad thing to write on his DOR! Well that's all that has happened today, just wanted to talk about what artistic abilities we have in the family and post a few pictures.

July 23, 2008


Not much new has happened Caleb got extended, so that was kind of a bummer. But, he should be getting off break-in soon. My surgery to close my PFO is on August first. I'm glad it’s going to be done and over with. Regan seems to have developed a new attitude over night. She has become quite the drama queen, but that wasn’t unexpected if she takes after me. She learned how to say please and thank you. She goes around the house saying thank you for everything, even if you didn’t give anything to her. We finally did it! Since Regan is almost 2, I decided it was time for her to give up the binky. So, on Saturday I took it away. She was really mad at first, but after about a day she didn't mention it a lot. When she does mention it, I just say, "Binky’s are all gone." She seems to be okay with that. Lately, Regan has been learning a few new words. Since my head has been feeling a little better, I have been able to get out of the house more often. I went to the Coach outlet store in Barstow and bought a purse, wallet, and some key chains. They were having a really good sale with the items I bought being really hot on EBAY right now. So, I am reselling them to try a make a little profit. I’m thinking about making it a regular activity to earn some extra mad money. We will see how this auction goes. We are looking forward to mom and dad Stewart, and Shyler to come to visit us for a couple days. I think we are going to go to the San Diego zoo. I am excited to take Regan. She loves to see the animals. I know the pictures I am posting are a little old, but I erased all my current pictures on accident. These will have to do until I take more. Well, I don’t really have much more news. I will keep you updated.
This picture was around Christmas in 2007 I love this picture.

July 7, 2008


Today Regan was wandering around the house finding herself in my bathroom. When I went to check on her, I found she had dumped a bottle of pills onto the floor and was trying to pick them up to put them back in the bottle. I picked up the pills and told her, "No no." She shook her finger, looked up at me, and said, "A no no." Since I didn't know if she had swallowed any pills, I loaded her into the car and drove to Target to buy some ipecac. I went to the pharmacy and asked where it was on the shelf. The pharmacist said they didn't carry ipecac, or anything like that. I thought this was odd. So, I once again loaded Regan in the car, this time driving to Walgreen's to buy some ipecac. When we got home, I put Regan in the bath tube and gave her the ipecac. About ten minuets later, she threw up. She looked so surprised when it happened. For about another hour, she would periodically throw up, not liking it. She tryed to hold her throw up in her mouth with her hand. It was so sad!
Well, on a lighter note, we have a doves' nest out on the porch with two eggs that have hatched into two baby doves. They are kind of cute. Regan enjoyed the fire works. She would point up to the sky and say, "pitty." She has recently been saying a few new words. My favorite is book, which she started out saying, "bo," which has now evolved into butch. Don't ask me how. She seems to have her own little language which only she knows what she's saying. I'm struggling to understand it. Well, I just thought I would update you on my traumatic day.

July 3, 2008


Hi everyone! I just wanted to bring everyone up to date. To start, Regan was born September 30, 2006. She weighed 7 pds 1 oz. We have had so much fun watching her grow up. She is now almost 2 years old! Gosh how time flies! Regan’s favorite things to do is to put our dog Wubbas in the cupboards, and get into my makeup drawer. So, she keeps me quite busy. Regan is learning how do so many things. She is almost making sentences, learning new words everyday.
Caleb applied to the California Highway Patrol and graduated from the CHP academy on April 18, 2008, after 6 long months of hell. His first office assignment is in Barstow, California. So, we moved from Gridley, to Apple Valley, California. He is almost done with his break-in and is doing very well. We miss being close to family, but the ward here in Apple Valley is really nice. The house we are renting is in a really nice neighborhood, and is so much better that renting an apartment. We love all the room.
We all know about the daily headaches I have been getting for the past 2 1/2 years, but recently I have tried a new preventative medicine. For the past month, the medicine has been helping a ton! I went from a headache all day, every day, to 2 a week. I'm now starting to enjoy life again and looking forward to each new day. I have signed up for an FDA study about migraines, PFO (patent foramen ovale), which is a hole in the heart they discovered, which may or may not be related to my migraines. Anyways, I should be having surgery to close the hole in late July. Hopefully they close it. I won't know for a year because it's a double blind study. Well, that will bring you up to date with what we have been up to for the last little while!
What can I say, Regan loves Wubbas. Maybe its a little too close for comfort. I don't think Wubbas wants to share a room. She crawled in just fine, but we had a hard time pulling her out!

Here is Regan at Grandma Stewart's, showing her artistic side. Regan has such sensitive skin, that when we took the stickers off, there was a red circle for a few hours wherever we put a sticker.

This was taken about a week ago, in our new house in Apple Valley. Regan is helping me make cookies and is tasting the batter to make sure they will turn out well. I don't really think she cares what they tasted like, because every time I would turn around to put more ingredients in, she would stick her hand in the bowl to snitch a piece.

Today I ventured out of my comfort bubble, giving Regan a spoon to feed herself for the first time instead of having to sit there and feed her. She didn't do too bad, but after i finished taping her, she dumped out her bowl of spaghettio's and then rubbed it into her tray.
This is Caleb's Graduation day from the CHP academy. He looked so serious. I hate the stupid hat. We paid 200 bucks for that thing. He will never wear it again, DUMB. This is right before he presents his badge to me to pin on.

Here I am pinning on his badge. It was such a good feeling to be able to pin on the badge, earned from the best law enforcement agency in the world. He worked so hard and graduated 13 out of a class of 130 cadets. "OOH RAH"