July 24, 2008


So, I gave Regan a pencil and some paper to draw with in her room today while I got some things around the house done. I'm only sure you know what she really ended up drawing on. It was quit the art project, I must say, she is very artistic. Regan Also said, "Love You" today. It was so cute! We have been trying to get her to say that for a long time and I must say, it was worth the wait. Today, I also had Caleb pick me up a couple more handbags from Coach to sell on EBAY. They put a limit on my account so I'm not happy about that. I wrote them an email to retaliate. Coach is widely counterfitted, so they limit certain listing if they sound fishy. It's probably all those stupid pig key chains I listed once. Caleb had a perfect night last night with his training officer, he couldn't find one bad thing to write on his DOR! Well that's all that has happened today, just wanted to talk about what artistic abilities we have in the family and post a few pictures.

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