July 7, 2008


Today Regan was wandering around the house finding herself in my bathroom. When I went to check on her, I found she had dumped a bottle of pills onto the floor and was trying to pick them up to put them back in the bottle. I picked up the pills and told her, "No no." She shook her finger, looked up at me, and said, "A no no." Since I didn't know if she had swallowed any pills, I loaded her into the car and drove to Target to buy some ipecac. I went to the pharmacy and asked where it was on the shelf. The pharmacist said they didn't carry ipecac, or anything like that. I thought this was odd. So, I once again loaded Regan in the car, this time driving to Walgreen's to buy some ipecac. When we got home, I put Regan in the bath tube and gave her the ipecac. About ten minuets later, she threw up. She looked so surprised when it happened. For about another hour, she would periodically throw up, not liking it. She tryed to hold her throw up in her mouth with her hand. It was so sad!
Well, on a lighter note, we have a doves' nest out on the porch with two eggs that have hatched into two baby doves. They are kind of cute. Regan enjoyed the fire works. She would point up to the sky and say, "pitty." She has recently been saying a few new words. My favorite is book, which she started out saying, "bo," which has now evolved into butch. Don't ask me how. She seems to have her own little language which only she knows what she's saying. I'm struggling to understand it. Well, I just thought I would update you on my traumatic day.


Theron said...

Cute stories and pictures! I am happy our family is getting into blogging. I really think it is the only way we are likely to keep up with each other. I look forward to the next installment. Say hi to Caleb for me!

Lindsay Brummer said...

oh my gosh! the throw up is so sad, but the picture of her in the tub is so cute!!!!!