November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

Not much has happened at the Stewart house from our last post. Our anniversary trip to Vegas was fun. I will post pictures when I get them developed. I cut my hair off, so it is very short again which I love! I will have to take a picture of it. I have been busy making Christmas cards, so if everyone could leave their addresses in the comment box I would appreciate it. Now for the real reason for the post! HALLOWEEN! I wanted to post some pictures of Regan in the Halloween costume Grandma Buttars sent!
Ready for the ball!
What a cute little Princess!
Check out those shoes.

In this picture her hair is doing all the talking and would like to thank everybody for the country music award.

Showing off a little leg.


The Eccles said...

ADOR-ABLE!!!! What a cutie! She will surely find Prince Charming!
I can't wait to see your it!

Unknown said...

She looks just like a little Jessica.

Lindsay Brummer said...

how cute!!!! was she so excited to trick-or-treat?

Lindsay Brummer said...

k.... i see a pregnancy ticker?!!!!!!

Lindsay Brummer said...

i just called you!! call me back, no more phone tag!!!

Mrs. Dexter said...

Regan looks SO cute! And congrats on the new one coming along! :)