October 21, 2008

Stewart Updates

It's hard to believe we have been here in Apple Valley for six months already! Where does the time go? While we are on the topic of time, I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Caleb and I just recently celebrated our 3 year anniversary on October 13. I have to say, I have never been so happy and honored to get spend my life with such a kind and loving person. Regan has grown an inch in the last 2 months. At the rate she is going, we will have to raise the ceilings! Caleb and I are very excited to go to Las Vegas for a few days at the end of this month to celebrate our anniversary. Caleb has been doing very well with work and he even managed to get Thanksgiving off. I thought I would post a few pictures from when Grandma Stewart was here.
Regan loves her pumpkins. Lately she has wanted to hug and kiss everything. The other day, Caleb took her for a walk and she kissed the road and said it was cute. What a nut!
For family home evening we carved a pumpkin. Regan is such a good helper!

Here is the finished product!

Every night before I go to bed I check on Regan. We put pajamas on her, so when I go to check on her, I always have to put them back on. I couldn't resist taking a picture! She makes such a cute stinkbug.

Every time I play the song Timberland, "The Way I Are," on the computer Regan goes crazy!


The Eccles said...

WOW, what a ham!
I can't believe how big she is...congrats on the anniversary! I am glad Caleb is doing good. Send me your email...I will send you an invite to the family blog(it's private) Hope you guys have a blast on your trip!

-Amanda Eccles

Jamie Lynne Brummer said...

Happy anniversary!!! And this video of Regan is sooooo cute!! I've watched it a couple times. And I love that song.

Jamie Lynne Brummer said...

Oh by the way here is Joni and Daniel's blog address so you can check it out if you want to.
