November 14, 2008

Baby Swag

Today I went to my first OBGYN visit. I was kind of nervous afters 2 and a half years, but every thing turned out fine. Although, I had to get a dumb pap smear! Those are always fun! I got an ultrasound today, and I'm 5 weeks along. You can see the amniotic sac in the ultrasound picture. Doctor White gave me a due date of July 17, 2009. I go back in two weeks to have another ultrasound to see the heartbeat and get measurements. It's so amazing that in 2 weeks, it goes from a mass of cells to having a beating heart!

The little clack dot is our new baby's condo with a great view of the ocean!

At the end of my doctor visit, they said they would send my home with some samples. I expected to get a little bag full of vitamin's. Instead, they gave me two arm fulls of stuff! I felt like I was at a celebrity swag tent! I took a picture of all the items together and then individual shots of the contents of each bag or box!

All the items!
Item #1
Close ups of the magazines and formula.

Coupons and cool baby organizer album!

Still item #1. Check out the cool changing pad and monthly planner!

Item #2

Item # 3. I love the Lysol to go travel size and always love the formula!

Last but not least, all the parenting books and the cute little touch and feel book-this is a California state sponsored handout.


Lindsay Brummer said...

you got hooked up! Glad everything looks great. Your baby looks just like you guys :)

The Eccles said...

It is amazing how much stuff you get these days! I noticed that every year it is more! (you will probably get even more before it's over) Congrats agian, hope you have a smooth pregnancy.

Jamie Lynne Brummer said...

I am very happy for you and excited! I hope it is a boy! Good ultra sound picture! Congratulations!

Hagberg said...

That is awesome! It's some good stuff too!!With Haliey I ended up getting two diaper bags. You'll get another one coming home from delivery!Sweet!It's the least they could do for all that effortand energy it take to carry that baby!

Mrs. Dexter said...

I hope they do things like this when I decide to bear a child! :)