August 14, 2008


I have to say that headaches for the past 2 1/2 years have have been a major struggle for me. It has been the hardest thing I have ever had to endure next to being pregnant. Over the past few weeks, I have been taking a preventative medication that really seems to help out. So, I only get headaches every other day. I feel blessed to have have found out about my PFO (Hole In My heart) and becoming a surgical candidate. On August 1, Caleb and I traveled to L.A. to Good Samaritan Hospital for my surgery. They gave me some good medicine that made say really odd things. Before I went into surgery, I told Caleb that he could keep all my money's if I died. After my closure surgery, I was still a bit loopy from the sedation and told Caleb to put some stick (chap stick) on my lips. I then stuck out my tongue. When he asked why I stuck out my tongue, I told him my tongue was dry (implying I needed chapstick on my tongue). For a week after my surgery, I had a Migraine every day, which made me think I had not gotten the closure device. Two days after surgery, I went to the emergency room because my heart was racing at a steady pace of 130 to 150 BPM. Usually it only beats 90 BPM. I got an electrocardiogram and was told my heart was healthy. When I asked if they saw a PFO, they said they their was no PFO. I would like to think my high pulse rate and fluttering I felt in my chest is a result of my heart adapting to the PFO closure device. I still want to know 100% that the hole is closed for sure. They are doing more tests to make for me to make sure. In the meantime, they have prescribed medication to lower my heart rate. I still feel the fluttering feeling in my heart, but it's more of a pressure than a painful feeling. They have me taking Plavix and baby aspirin as well, so a clot does not form in my heart. As a result, I bruise very easily leaving black and blue marks which I have no idea how they got there. These last couple of days I have woken up headache free and only felt a small headache which went away quickly. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for helping me find a solution for my head. It is so nice to have a clear head, which makes me so excited for the future of being headache free! (Knock On Wood).

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