September 23, 2008

C Is For Cookie!

It had been a while since I updated the blog, so I figured it was time for a few news breaks. A few weeks ago I decided to make homemade sugar cookies and frosting. They turned out really well. Regan helped frost a few while I could not resist taking a couple pictures. We all know when it comes to cookies I'm a cookie monster. It turns out Regan is too!
Regan is giving a demonstration on how to properly frost a cookie!
Here you can see she has finished frosting her cookie and is now cleaning up her work area.

Now you can see she has turned into a ravish beast and is foaming at the mouth.

Since I was frosting the cookies and making them all cute, I had the wonderful idea to make the star cookie into a CHP badge. Of course, I had to have Caleb try it on for size. As you can see, he is so excited to wear his new badge.

1 comment:

Mrs. Dexter said...

Oh my gosh! Your commentary on this post CRACKS ME UP!!! Hilarious!