Well, it time for an update, it's been a little while . We blessed Beck at our house and both family's came down for that. We had a great time with everyone while they were here. We also celebrated Regan's birthday. She was really spoiled rotten, but isn't that what grandparents are for? She really loved having everyone here to play with. We went to Chuckie Cheeses for the big 3 celebration and back to my parents hotel to open presents and have cake. Beck is getting bigger by the day and doing a good job of keeping us on our toes at night. But that's his job right? Here is what you all have been waiting for! Here are the pictures.
Father and son, sooooo cute!
Grandpa Stewart, Caleb Stewart, Grandpa Buttars, Great Grandpa Quist.
Regan riding the horse game at Chuckie Cheeses where a kid can be a kid!
Better get out of the way!
All Clean and so cute !
A little grin for Mommy.
Just a little cross eyed, we still love him!